Directions of use:
- Take 3 capsules with breakfast.
- Saw Palmetto 20:1 550mg
- D Aspartic acid 400mg
- Milk Thistle 300mg
- Bulbine Natalis 275mg
- Ashwaghanda 250mg
- N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) 200mg
- Citrus Bergamot 200mg
- 3.3 – Diindolymethan 75mg
- AstraGin 50mg
- Zinc 10mg
- Rice Flour HPMC
- (Vegetarian capsule)
AstraGin® enhances absorption by supporting the nutrient transporters within the gut responsible for moving specific nutrients through the gut wall. Making sure 100% of the main ingredients gets directly into your system.
Ideal For:
- Bodybuilders and athletes finishing a cycle of anabolic supplements.
- Those looking to recover hormone levels and prevent muscle loss.
- Individuals seeking to reduce oestrogen and support overall health post-cycle.